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Esse mapa conceitual, produzido no IHMC CmapTools, tem a informação relacionada a: Hereditary Spherocytosis, Formation of gallstones results in Cholelithiasis, Apperance on blood smear as small, Phagocytosis of spherocytes in spleen causes Splenomegaly, Increased erythropoeisis requiring Increased DNA synthesis, Increased DNA synthesis which requires Folate, Genetic mutations in structural proteins causing reduction of lipid bilayer stability, Genetic mutations in structural proteins including spectrin, ankyrin, band 4.2, glycophorin A, band 3, Decrease in RBC lysis which Corrects anemia, spherical allows Diagnosis by blood smear, Phagocytosis of spherocytes in spleen reduced by Splenectomy, Buildup of bilirubin causes Jaundice, Loss of splenic immune functions which leads to Increased risk of infection, Apperance on blood smear as lacking central pallor, Spherocytes leads to Phagocytosis of spherocytes in spleen, loss of membrane fragments as cells age leads to decreased surface area per volume, lacking central pallor allows Diagnosis by blood smear, Hereditary Spherocytosis involves Genetic mutations in structural proteins, Folate which is Standard treatment, Spherocytes characterized by Apperance on blood smear, Lysis by osmotic pressure confirmed by Osmotic fragility test